After a request for space and a first clarification by telephone, the first steps are considered together with the referring youth welfare office. The adolescent then has the opportunity to hold several conversations with the responsible parties. A decision is then made together with the responsible parties and the young person.
During the help process, the adolescent is accompanied and supported by a specialist from the provider. This takes care of the concerns of the young person during the stay abroad and later also of follow-up measures after the end of the help.


A successful acclimatization is of great importance for the well-being of every young person and an important prerequisite for all further viable relationships. Young people have to survive separations and grief and build new relationships based on trust.
A good relationship between the adolescent and his supervisor is encouraged by the foreign environment and the lack of language skills. The adolescent is more oriented towards the supervisor and the supervisor can gain the adolescent's trust more quickly. There is a closer orientation to the educator. By breaking old habits, behavior changes are much easier. A safe educational space is offered, which excludes experience of violence, drug abuse, sexual abuse and is suitable for the needs of young people.
The individual childcare setting is determined right at the beginning, this always depends on the particular needs of the young person and is designed flexibly.
Everyday structures, rules and communication standards are discussed. The goal is always independent living, so that it promotes integration into the school and later into the professional world.
After that, integration into the new environment takes place step by step. Movement in nature is beneficial. Even a short stay in nature reduces stress, increases self-confidence and even measurably strengthens the immune system. In the early days, however, reducing the daily requirements (e.g. school exemption) is an important measure to create new learning and experience fields for the young people.
The following modules are important in the further course of the help:
- Participate in the life of a new culture and avoid exclusion.
- Activities and discussions that promote a trusting relationship with the supervisor.
- Resolve conflicts inside and outside of the care relationship, work with parents, requirements on which the adolescent failed.
- Development of a change of perspective. Consider an old problem from a distance and in a new environment.
- Prepare for the time afterwards.
- Conscious relaxation and time out from acute crisis situations.
The youth welfare officers are continuously involved in the entire aid plan process, verbally and in writing. Detailed development reports are usually given every six months. We are available to the youth welfare specialists at any time. We are happy to support visits by family members if they are desired by the young people and considered useful.

The supervised life abroad and the removal from the German school system can motivate children and adolescents to engage in active learning again.
The majority of adolescents show behavioral problems before the help begins and mostly refusal to go to school also plays a role.
When young people come to rest and gain distance, it is often astonishing how quickly deficits can be reduced.
If the level of knowledge is appropriate, the previous schooling is followed up and the preparation for an extracurricular school qualification is based on this.
The importance of a school-leaving qualification goes hand in hand with social recognition and thus also with a corresponding career choice. This is elementary for the further development and also for the later successful reintegration in Germany.
In the project, every young person is trained according to their level of education and their skills. All current school qualifications can be acquired here as required.
Thanks to the distance learning school, which looks after young people abroad, the goal of finishing secondary school can be achieved.
The level of knowledge in the individual subjects is determined by means of a placement test. Then the pace of learning and the ability to learn are discussed and adjusted again. All tasks are sent via the Internet, which are processed by the young people with a local supervisor and then sent back again via the Internet.
The young person is in constant contact with the school in Germany and the individual teachers and receives feedback by email every day. In this way, the student can achieve his goal - a corresponding school qualification - without fear and without pressure.